The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
645 lines
000048 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec *Months of the year
000000 GANTT message file in English
000180 Disk is full
002045 " was selected.
002145 " was not found as a "project.PRT" file.
002275 Press "F1" for help, then try help #20.
002309 Project "
002475 Press any key to continue.
190180 Printing
280000 ********* Alt F9 Note Frame format ********************************
280100o H I T T P E R S O N A L S O F T W A R E
280213 Job name : *Before the Job name
280337 Reference *Following the Job name
280580 Notes:
2BFF00 ********* F4 Project Gantt Display Format *************************
2C0000o H I T T P E R S O N A L S O F T W A R E
2C0113 Project : * Line 1 starts with this text then the selected name.
2C0240 * This is after the name
2C0300 * This is after the time stamp
2C0413 Graph start: * Line 2 starts with this text then the graph start time.
2C0540 Scale:
2C0600 * This is after the scale
2C0700 * This is the text for line 3.
2C2200 * This is the text for line 22.
2C2300 * This is the text for line 23.
2CA012 4 Years
2CA112 3 Years
2CA212 2 Years
2CA312 1 Years
2CA412 6 Months
2CA512 4 Months
2CA612 3 Months
2CA712 8 Weeks
2CA812 6 Weeks
2CA912 5 Weeks
2CAA12 4 Weeks
2CAB12 3 Weeks
2CAC12 2 Weeks
2CAD12 1 Week
2CAE12 4 Days
2CAF12 3 Days
2CB012 2 Days
2CB112 1.5 Days
2CB212 1 Day
2CB312 16 Hours
2CB412 12 Hours
2CB512 8 Hours
2CB612 6 Hours
2CB712 4 Hours
2CB812 3 Hours
2CB912 2 Hours
2CBA12 80 Mins
2CBB12 1 Hour
2CBC12 48 Mins
2CBD12 40 Mins
2CBE12 32 Mins
2CBF12 24 Mins
2CC012 16 Mins
2CC112 12 Mins
2CC212 8 Mins
2CC312 4 Mins
2CD430 Year
2CD530 Month
2CD630 Day
2CD730 Hour
2CD830 Minute
2CD930 * The space before the duration line
2CF080 Unable to create or write the BookMaster(TM) file with project dates.
2CF180 Writing BookMaster(TM) file 'project.BOK'
2CF280 BookMaster(TM) file 'project.BOK' has been written with project dates.
2CF380 Failure trying to create the 'project.BOK' file.
2CFF00 ********* F5 Planned vs Actual **********************************
2D0000o H I T T P E R S O N A L S O F T W A R E
2D0134 Jobs Planned/Actual for Project : * Line 1 starts with this text
2D0219 * This is after the name
2D0300 * This is after the time stamp
2D0413 Graph start: * Line 2 start with this text then the graph start time.
2D0540 Scale:
2D0600 * This is after the scale
2D0700 * This is the text for line 3.
2D2200 * This is the text for line 22.
2D2300 * This is the text for line 23.
2DA012 4 Years
2DA112 3 Years
2DA212 2 Years
2DA312 1 Years
2DA412 6 Months
2DA512 4 Months
2DA612 3 Months
2DA712 8 Weeks
2DA812 6 Weeks
2DA912 5 Weeks
2DAA12 4 Weeks
2DAB12 3 Weeks
2DAC12 2 Weeks
2DAD12 1 Week
2DAE12 4 Days
2DAF12 3 Days
2DB012 2 Days
2DB112 1.5 Days
2DB212 1 Day
2DB312 16 Hours
2DB412 12 Hours
2DB512 8 Hours
2DB612 6 Hours
2DB712 4 Hours
2DB812 3 Hours
2DB912 2 Hours
2DBA12 80 Mins
2DBB12 1 Hour
2DBC12 48 Mins
2DBD12 40 Mins
2DBE12 32 Mins
2DBF12 24 Mins
2DC012 16 Mins
2DC112 12 Mins
2DC212 8 Mins
2DC312 4 Mins
2DD415 Year
2DD515 Month
2DD615 Day
2DD715 Hour
2DD815 Minute
2DD916 │ * The space before duration line
2DFF00 ********* F6 Project Gantt Display Format *************************
2E0000o H I T T P E R S O N A L S O F T W A R E
2E0129 Resource levels for project: * Line 1 starts with this text
2E0224 * This is after the name
2E0300 * This is after the time stamp
2E0413 Graph start: * Line 2 start with this text then the graph start time.
2E0540 Scale:
2E0600 * This is after the scale
2E0700 * This is the text for line 3.
2E2200 * This is the text for line 22.
2E2300 * This is the text for line 23.
2EA012 4 Years
2EA112 3 Years
2EA212 2 Years
2EA312 1 Years
2EA412 6 Months
2EA512 4 Months
2EA612 3 Months
2EA712 8 Weeks
2EA812 6 Weeks
2EA912 5 Weeks
2EAA12 4 Weeks
2EAB12 3 Weeks
2EAC12 2 Weeks
2EAD12 1 Week
2EAE12 4 Days
2EAF12 3 Days
2EB012 2 Days
2EB112 1.5 Days
2EB212 1 Day
2EB312 16 Hours
2EB412 12 Hours
2EB512 8 Hours
2EB612 6 Hours
2EB712 4 Hours
2EB812 3 Hours
2EB912 2 Hours
2EBA12 80 Mins
2EBB12 1 Hour
2EBC12 48 Mins
2EBD12 40 Mins
2EBE12 32 Mins
2EBF12 24 Mins
2EC012 16 Mins
2EC112 12 Mins
2EC212 8 Mins
2EC312 4 Mins
2ED415 Year
2ED515 Month
2ED615 Day
2ED715 Hour
2ED815 Minute
2ED915 * The space before the top line
2EE080 Display invalid. Too many activities.
2EFF00 ********* F7 Job List ********************************************
2F0000o H I T T P E R S O N A L S O F T W A R E
2F0225 Select a Job Name : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2F0380 Reference Current
2F0480 Names Start End Start End
2FF160 No project print files.
2FF260 Calculating job durations before and after time now.
2FF360 Summary file "project.GST" has been created.
2FF460 Disk error trying to write a "project.GST" file.
2FFF00 ********* F6 Project Gantt Display Format *************************
300000o H I T T P E R S O N A L S O F T W A R E
300113 Job name : * Line 1 starts with this text then the selected name.
300218 * Then this space before the time stamp.
300300 * This is after the time stamp
300413 Graph start: * Line 2 start with this text then the graph start time.
300540 Scale:
300600 * This is after the scale
300700 * This is the text for line 3.
302200 * This is the text for line 22.
302300 * This is the text for line 23.
30A012 4 Years
30A112 3 Years
30A212 2 Years
30A312 1 Years
30A412 6 Months
30A512 4 Months
30A612 3 Months
30A712 8 Weeks
30A812 6 Weeks
30A912 5 Weeks
30AA12 4 Weeks
30AB12 3 Weeks
30AC12 2 Weeks
30AD12 1 Week
30AE12 4 Days
30AF12 3 Days
30B012 2 Days
30B112 1.5 Days
30B212 1 Day
30B312 16 Hours
30B412 12 Hours
30B512 8 Hours
30B612 6 Hours
30B712 4 Hours
30B812 3 Hours
30B912 2 Hours
30BA12 80 Mins
30BB12 1 Hour
30BC12 48 Mins
30BD12 40 Mins
30BE12 32 Mins
30BF12 24 Mins
30C012 16 Mins
30C112 12 Mins
30C212 8 Mins
30C312 4 Mins
30D415 Year
30D515 Month
30D615 Day
30D715 Hour
30D815 Minute
30D915 * The space before the top line
30FF00 ************* F9 Note Frame format *****************
310100 *Header lines for the F9 Frame
310213 Job name : *Before the Job name
310337 Current *Following the Job name
310580 Notes:
31FF00 ************* F10 Configuration frame messages******************
320140 Unable to create a printer file.
320208 Command
320340 Is not a valid command.
320440 Mouse driver is not installed.
320580 Reseting the Booked Plan.
320680 Reference file update complete.
320780 Reference file update terminated.
320840 Auto Eject will cause the printer to *Help for F10 A
320940 start a new page after each Gantt is
320A40 printed.
320C40 If this control is off ejects will still
320D40 occur at page boundaries as defined by
320E40 the "L" command.
321040 Booking the plan creates or updates *Help for F10 B
321140 a reference file. If a reference
321240 file does not exist it is created
321340 from the current (project.PRT) file.
321540 If a reference file already exists
321640 the text data and order is maintained
321740 and the timelines are replaced.
321840 Enter the code for each field type. *Help for F10 C
321940 Valid numbers are 00 to 16. See the
321A40 color numbers to determine which color
321B40 is represented by each number.
322040 Will send an immediate command sequence *Help for F10 D
322140 to the port selected by the "O" command.
322340 This command sets the printer to single
322440 or double high mode and adjusts the
322540 lines/page accordingly.
322740 Some printers don't support double high.
322840 Sends an immediate eject to the output *Help for F10 E
322940 device selected by the "O" command.
322B40 The eject does the same thing as a
322C40 "Form Feed" on the printer except that
322D40 this command can also be used with print
322E40 files that are being sent to the disk.
323040 When active the Special plot character *Help for F10 F
323140 is used to plot a line from the end
323240 of In-Process tasks to the current time.
323440 This will emphasize overdue tasks.
324040 Used for logo's or security headers. *Help for F10 H
324140 All ASCII characters are allowed in the
324240 header. Use the down cursor to escape.
324440 You may place printer control codes in
324540 the header line. Hint:
324640 EscE = Set Emphasized - EscF to undo
324740 EscG = Set Double Strike - EscH to undo
326040 Enter the size of the printer paper *Help for F10 L
326140 in lines or enter "0" for continuous.
326340 Hint:
326440 66 = 11 inch paper at 6 lines/inch.
326840 When active, mouse motions are used as *Help for F10 M
326940 cursor controls and the buttons are
326A40 used as the Enter and Esc keys.
326C40 A device driver must support the
326D40 Microsoft(TM) defined interface.
327040 When active all task description fields *Help for F10 N
327140 will be listed on the F9 note frame.
327340 When inactive only the task descriptions
327440 of flagged tasks will be listed.
327840 Enter '0, 1, 2, or D' *Help for F10 O
327A40 '0', '1', or '2' will send the F2 print
327B40 file to a parallel printer port.
327C40 Port 0 = LPT1, Port 1 = LPT2
327E40 'D' will send the F2 print to a disk
327F40 file named 'project.GPT'
328040 Enter the ASCII number for the plot *Help for F10 P
328140 characters and colors.
328340 Hint:
328440 205=══, 240=≡≡, 223=▀▀, 254=■■, 061===
328540 179=││, 124=||
329040 When active the "project.REF" *Help for F10 R
329140 file will be used to plot
329240 planned vs. actual.
329840 Hours:Minutes, 0000:00 to 9999:59. *Help for F10 S
329940 The time across the top of each Gantt
329A40 chart will be offset by this amount.
329C40 Hint:
329D40 1 Day = 24:00 1 Week = 168:00
329E40 4 Weeks = 672:00 Quarter =2191:30
329F40 Half Yr =4383:00 1 Year =8766:00
32F080 Are You Sure? (Y if Yes). Reference dates will be changed.
4FFF00 *********************** Printer Status Messages *********************
500060 Printer Not Ready
500160 Printer Timeout - Not Ready
500260 No Printer Adapter at the Selected Port
502860 Printer Out of Paper
503060 No Printer at the Selected Port
508860 No Printer at the Selected Port
509860 Printer I/O Error
50A860 Printer Powered Off
50B860 Printer Powered Off
50C860 Printer Powered Off
50D860 Printer Powered Off
600180 Printing
600280 Print Ended
9FFF00 ***************** F5 Calibration Markers **********************
A00016 Reference 0 ┼
A00116 Left Bar 2 ┼
A00216 4 ┼
A00316 Current 6 ┼
A00416 Right Bar 8 ┼
A00516 10 ┼
A00616 ├
A00716 14 ┼
A00816 ├
A00916 ├
A00A16 20 ┼
A00B16 ├
A00C16 ├
A00D16 ├
A00E16 ├
A00F16 30 ┼
A01016 ├
A01116 ├
A01216 ├
A01316 ├
A01416 40 ┼
A01516 ├
A01616 ├
A01716 ├
A01816 ├
A01916 50 ┼
A01A16 ├
A01B16 ├
A01C16 ├
A01D16 ├
A01E16 60 ┼
A01F16 ├
A02016 ├
A02116 ├
A02216 ├
A02316 70 ┼
A02416 ├
A02516 ├
A02616 ├
A02716 ├
A02816 80 ┼
A02916 ├
A02A16 ├
A02B16 ├
A02C16 ├
A02D16 90 ┼
A02E16 ├
A02F16 ├
A03016 ├
A03116 ├
A03216 100 ┼
A03316 ├
A03416 ├
A03516 ├
A03616 ├
A03716 110 ┼
A03816 ├
A03916 ├
A03A16 ├
A03B16 ├
A03C16 120 ┼
A03D16 ├
A03E16 ├
A03F16 ├
A04016 ├
A04116 130 ┼
A04216 ├
A04316 ├
A04416 ├
A04516 ├
A04616 140 ┼
A04716 ├
A04816 ├
A04916 ├
A04A16 ├
A04B16 150 ┼
A04C16 ├
A04D16 ├
A04E16 ├
A04F16 ├
A05016 160 ┼
A05116 ├
A05216 ├
A05316 ├
A05416 ├
A05516 170 ┼
A05616 ├
A05716 ├
A05816 ├
A05916 ├
A05A16 180 ┼
A05B16 ├
A05C16 ├
A05D16 ├
A05E16 ├
A05F16 190 ┼
A06016 ├
A06116 ├
A06216 ├
A06316 ├
A06416 200 ┼
A06516 ├
A06616 ├
A06716 ├
A06816 ├
A06916 210 ┼
A06A16 ├
A06B16 ├
A06C16 ├
A06D16 ├
A06E16 220 ┼
A06F16 ├
A07016 ├
A07116 ├
A07216 ├
A07316 230 ┼
A07416 ├
A07516 ├
A07616 ├
A07716 ├
A07816 240 ┼
A07916 ├
A07A16 ├
A07B16 ├
A07C16 ├
A07D16 250 ┼
A07E16 ├
A07F16 ├
A08016 ├
A08116 ├
A08216 260 ┼
A08316 ├
A08416 ├
A08516 ├
A08616 ├
A08716 270 ┼
A08816 ├
A08916 ├
A08A16 ├
A08B16 ├
A08C16 280 ┼
A08D16 ├
A08E16 ├
A08F16 ├
A09016 ├
A09116 290 ┼
A09216 ├
A09316 ├
A09416 ├
A09516 ├
A09616 300 ┼
A09716 ├
A09816 ├
A09916 ├
A09A16 ├
A09B16 310 ┼
A09C16 ├
A09D16 ├
A09E16 ├
A09F16 ├
A0A016 320 ┼
A0A116 ├
A0A216 ├
A0A316 ├
A0A416 ├
A0A516 330 ┼
A0A616 ├
A0A716 ├
A0A816 ├
A0A916 ├
A0AA16 340 ┼
A0AB16 ├
A0AC16 ├
A0AD16 ├
A0AE16 ├
A0AF16 350 ┼
A0B016 ├
A0B116 ├
A0B216 ├
A0B316 ├
A0B416 360 ┼
A0B516 ├
A0B616 ├
A0B716 ├
A0B816 ├
A0B916 370 ┼
A0BA16 ├
A0BB16 ├
A0BC16 ├
A0BD16 ├
A0BE16 380 ┼
A0BF16 ├
A0C016 ├
A0C116 ├
A0C216 ├
A0C316 390 ┼
A0C416 ├
A0C516 ├
A0C616 ├
A0C716 ├
A0C816 400 ┼
A0C916 ├
A0CA16 ├
A0CB16 ├
A0CC16 ├
A0CD16 410 ┼
A0CE16 ├
A0CF16 ├
A0D016 ├
A0D116 ├
A0D216 420 ┼
A0D316 ├
A0D416 ├
A0D516 ├
A0D616 ├
A0D716 430 ┼
A0D816 ├
A0D916 ├
A0DA16 ├
A0DB16 ├
A0DC16 440 ┼
A0DD16 ├
A0DE16 ├
A0DF16 ├
A0E016 ├
A0E116 450 ┼
A0E216 ├
A0E316 ├
A0E416 ├
A0E516 ├
A0E616 460 ┼
A0E716 ├
A0E816 ├
A0E916 ├
A0EA16 ├
A0EB16 470 ┼
A0EC16 ├
A0ED16 ├
A0EE16 ├
A0EF16 ├
A0F016 480 ┼
A0F116 ├
A0F216 ├
A0F316 ├
A0F416 ├
A0F516 490 ┼
A0F616 ├
A0F716 ├
A0F816 ├
A0F916 ├
A0FA16 500 ┼
A0FB16 ├
A0FC16 ├
A0FD16 ├
A0FE16 ├
A0FF16 510 ┼